Add IP Phones to SA-Announce

New phones models must be added to the SA-Announce XML and Multicast Enabled Selected column, and then added to the appropriate groups.

In SA-Announce:

IP Endpoint Setup

  1. Click Settings > IP Endpoint Setup.
  2. In the XML Enabled tab, locate the new phone model in the Available column, click the right arrows to move it to the Selected column, and click Apply Changes.
  3. Click the Multicast Phones tab and perform the same tasks.
  4. Click Services > Broadcast Services.
  5. Click Refresh Data.

Add Phone to Groups

Note: If Dynamic Group is checked for a group, the new phone is automatically added to the group. You do not need to perform the steps below.

  1. Click Groups > Create/Edit.
  2. Click the IP Phones tab.
  3. In the Select Group to Edit drop-down list, select the group you want to add the new phone to.
  4. Locate the new phone in the Available column and click the right arrows to move the phone to the Selected column.
  5. Click Save Group.
  6. Repeat for each group you want to add the phone to.