SQL Strong Password Requirement

If you receive an SQL password policy requirement error message during SQL server setup, you have two options:

  • change the password to meet requirements
  • turn the password requirements off

Strong Password Guidelines

Do not use the following prohibited conditions or terms:

  • Password field cannot be blank or NULL
  • Do not use these terms:
    • Password
    • Admin
    • Administrator
    • sa
    • sysadmin
    • name of the currently logged in user
  • name of the computer
  • A strong password must be more than 8 characters in length and satisfy at least three of the following four criteria:
    • contain uppercase letters
    • lowercase letters
    • numbers
    • non-alphanumeric characters; for example, #, %, or ^

Remove Password Requirement

Another option is to remove the strong password requirement during SQL server installation.

  1. Navigate to Start > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy Expand Account Policies > Password Policy.
  2. Right-click on Password must meet complexity requirements.
  3. Select Properties > Disabled and click OK.