Configure ShoreTel to Page to Non-XML Phones

Some entry-level phone models don't support paging.

There are two basic steps to work around this:

  1. Configure extension lists and paging groups for non-XML phones in ShoreTel call manager.
  2. Configure external paging in SA-Announce to call the ShoreTel paging groups so you have unified notification(s) between supported IP phones, analog systems, IP speakers, and the ShoreTel paging group.

Note: Instructions provided here are for ShoreWare Director. Steps may be slightly different for ShoreTel Connect.

Configure Extension Lists and Paging Groups in ShoreWare Director

Create an Extension List for Non XML Phones

  1. Navigate to Users > Extension Lists > New List.
  2. Name the list.
  3. Select phones under Choose Members and move to the right pane.
  4. Click Save.

Create a Paging Group

  1. Navigate to Call Control > Paging Groups.
  2. Input Name and Extension.
  3. Click Enable Priority Paging via Speakerphone.
  4. Click Save.

Configure External Paging in SA-Announce

Create an External Dialer in SA-Announce

  1. Navigate to Settings > External Phone Setup.
  2. Input Starting Line Number and Number of Dialers.
  3. Click Save.

Add ShoreWare Paging Group to SA-Announce Notification Group

  1. Navigate to Groups > Create/Edit Groups.
  2. Select Group to Edit, the click on the External tab.
  3. Input a Description or Name and Number.
  4. Select SIP Proxy Site. (Dial code should not be needed).
  5. Click Add to add the new information to the notification group.
  6. Click Save.