Backup / Move / Restore SA-Announce v9.0.17 and older

Important: If you are running SA-Announce 9.0.18 or newer and you do not have redundancy implemented, you can use the built in Backup and Restore Utility. Follow the Backup / Move / Restore SA-Announce v9.0.18 and newer instructions.

First, download and install SQL Server Management Studio

SQL Server Management Studio is required for all the tasks mentioned below.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click Continue on the x64 download to get access to the 32 and 64 bit downloads.
  3. Download SQL Server Management Studio Express.
  4. Launch the downloaded install file.
  5. On the first Install window, select the Add Features/Install Features option.
  6. On the second Install window, select the New Install option.
  7. Use defaults for the remaining Installation windows.

Next, which task do you need to perform?

  • Just need to back up your SA-Announce database? Follow only the steps in the Backup Database section and ignore everything else.
  • Need to move SA-Announce to a new server? Follow all the steps in both the Backup Database and Move Database sections of this KB.
  • Need to restore the SA-Announce database on the same server because it became corrupted or you had hardware failure? Call Syn-Apps Support for assistance, 1-866-664-6071 option 2. (These scenarios are rare.)
  • Need to roll back to a previous version of SA-Announce after an upgrade? Call Syn-Apps Support for assistance, 1-866-664-6071 option 2. (This scenario is infrequent.)

Backup Database

From the SA-Announce server:

  1. Launch SQL Management Studio from Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL > SQL Management Studio.
  2. Log in to the Database Engine.
  3. Right-click on SA-Announce 2.0 database in the database folder and select Tasks > Back Up.
  4. Verify Backup type is set to Full. Make note of the backup destination.
  5. Click OK. The backup should complete successfully.
  6. (Redundancy only) If you have redundancy configured, repeat Steps 3-5 for the Syn-AppsEF database.
    (Note: The EF DB backup is only used in the event the database is being restored to the same server. Contact Support for assistance in restoring to the same server. It is not used when moving SA-Announce to a new server.)

Syn-Apps License

Note: Skip making a backup of the license if you are moving SA-Announce to a new server. When moving the database, you must obtain a new license from Syn-Apps Support.

  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Syn-Apps\SA-Announce.
  2. Backup the Syn-Apps.license file.

Custom Wav Files

  1. From Windows Explorer navigate to:
    • 32 bit OS - C:\Program Files\Syn-Apps\SA-Announce\Broadcaster\AlertWav.
    • 64 bit OS - C:\Program Files (x86)\Syn-Apps\SA-Announce\Broadcaster\AlertWav.
  2. Backup any custom WAV files, if you have any.

Move Database

These are the basic steps:

  1. Move the files you backed up on the old server to the new server.
  2. Install SA-Announce on the new server.
    Important: This requires a new license key. Contact Syn-Apps Support to obtain one – 1-866-664-6071 option 2 or email
  3. Restore the SA-Announce database and custom files on the new server.
  4. Configure the newly installed SA-Announce.
  5. Update your DHCP server option 72 and your call manager with the new SA-Announce server IP address.

Move Backup Files to New Server

  1. Open the folder where you backup up the database.
  2. Connect to the target folder on new SQL/SA-Announce Server.
  3. Move the backup and custom WAV files to new server.

Install SA-Announce on New Server

Before You Begin: Did you obtain a new SA-Announce license key from Syn-Apps Support? If not, call 1-866-664-6071 option 2 or email

  1. Download the Universal Installer (Syn-Apps website > Resources > Product Downloads > SA-Announce tab). Follow the installation instructions provided in the SA-Announce User Guide for your PBX system (Syn-Apps website > Resources > Documentation > SA-Announce tab).
    Note: This installs the latest version of SA-Announce.
  2. Install on new SA-Announce server.

The SQL Database Engine installs automatically.
Important: Uncheck Run Configuration on the last install screen.
You're going to restore the database before you run the Configuration Utility.

Restore Database

  1. Launch SQL Management Studio from Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL > SQL Management Studio.
  2. Log in to the database engine.
  3. Select Tasks > Restore > Database in the database folder.
  4. Click From Device and then click the ellipsis to browse.
  5. In the Specify Backup window, click Add.
  6. Navigate to the backup file location and click OK.
  7. Check Restore.
  8. Select the To Database name in the drop-down menu (usually SA-Announce 2.0).
  9. Verify all information is correct.
  10. Click OK.

Configure SA-Announce

For help with configuration and post-installation, refer to the appropriate SA-Announce User Guide available on the Syn-Apps website > Resources > Documentation page.

  1. Copy the new license file you obtained from Syn-Apps Support to C:\Program Files\Syn-Apps\SA-Announce.
  2. Launch the SA-Announce Configuration from Start > Programs > Syn-Apps > SA-Announce > Configuration.
  3. Input information on screens until Configuration completes.
  4. Double-click the SA-Announce shortcut on the desktop and follow the post-installation instructions.

Stop Services on Old SA-Announce Server

  1. Log in to old SA-Announce server.
  2. Launch Windows Services.
    (Click Windows Start, type services.msc in the search field, and press Enter.)
  3. Stop the SA-Announce Broadcaster and Scheduler Service.
  4. Set the Startup Type on both services to Disabled.
    (Double-click each service name, select Disabled from the Startup Type drop-down list, and click OK.)

Restart Services on New SA-Announce Server

  1. Log in to new SA-Announce Server.
  2. Launch Windows Services.
    (Click Windows Start, type services.msc in the search field, and press Enter.)
  3. Restart SA-Announce Broadcaster and Scheduler Service.

Custom WAV Files

If you have no custom WAV files, skip this section.

  1. Navigate to the WAV files you previously backed up.
  2. Copy them to:
  • 32 bit OS - C:\Program Files\Syn-Apps\SA-Announce\Broadcaster\AlertWav.
  • 64 bit OS - C:\Program Files (x86)\Syn-Apps\SA-Announce\Broadcaster\AlertWav.

Virtual Dialer Settings

On the OLD SA-Announce server:

  1. Launch Windows Regedit.
    (Click Windows Start, type regedit in search field, and press Enter.)
  2. Navigate to:
    • 32 bit OS - HKLM\Software\Syn-Apps\SA-Announce
    • 64 bit OS - HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Syn-Apps\SA-Announce
  3. Note the value for Phone Dialer Pool Domain.
  4. Note the value for Phone Dialer Count.

On the NEW SA-Announce server:

  1. Launch Windows Regedit.
    (Click Windows Start, type regedit in search field, and press Enter.)
  2. Navigate to:
    • 32 bit OS - HKLM\Software\Syn-Apps\SA-Announce
    • 64 bit OS - HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Syn-Apps\SA-Announce
  3. Enter the value for Phone Dialer Pool Domain.
  4. Enter the value for Phone Dialer Count.
  5. Log in to SA-Announce.
  6. Navigate to Services > Broadcast Services.
  7. Click Refresh Data.
  8. Restart the Broadcaster Service on the same page.
  9. Verify that your dialers are listed under Settings > External Phone Setup.

Update DHCP and Call Manager

  1. Update your DHCP server option 72 with the new SA-Announce server IP address and reboot all your IP devices so they can re-register with SA-Announce.
  2. Update your call manager with the new SA-Announce server IP address.
    • CUCM – Update the Authentication URL.
    • ShoreTel – Update Trunk, Authorized Server, and SIP Server Host.
    • Avaya – Update 46xxsettings.txt and/or 96xxsettings.txt configuration files.

Refer to the SA-Announce User Guide for your PBX system if you need assistance updating these settings (Syn-Apps website > Resources > Documentation).