The great migration from on-premises phone systems to cloud-based Unified-Communications-as-a-Service (UCaaS) increased in popularity this year. UCaaS capabilities seem to solve many UC-related administration and operational burdens, although challenges remain, especially when it comes to Enhanced 911 (E911).
With E911 compliance being of critical importance and one of the main E911 challenges for many enterprises, here is an overview of the E911 rules and regulations that apply to a UCaaS environment, and how to plan an E911 strategy with E911 compliance in mind.
Organizations who operate on-premises, hosted, or hybrid multi-line telephone systems (MLTS) are required to fulfill their federal E911 regulatory obligations and meet state requirements where applicable.
E911 compliance should be one of the first considerations to keep in mind when planning to migrate your UC deployment to the cloud. Some questions you might ask are: Can your users access 911 when calling from their soft client at home or remotely? Does your UCaaS platform have 911 notification capabilities, and if so, are they enabled? And more.
To view the rest of this article and learn more about E911 compliance and planning your E911 strategy for UCaaS, click here: https://www.intrado.com/en/blog/life-safety/pubic-safety/e911-compliance-ucaas-environments